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Red Deer’s Friendliest Saskatoon U-Pick
Dear valued customers:We regret to inform you that due to adverse weather conditions, including frost and significant hail, our SASKATOON berry bushes have produced only a limited yield this year.
We share your disappointment and appreciate your understanding during this challenging time!
Warm regards,
Henk & Jozien & Team
We are proud to share that our Saskatoon farm has approximately 1000 Bushes producing 4000-7000 pounds a year (depending if mother nature allows & weather is co-operative).
We have Northline Saskatoon Bushes. The berries are bigger than wild Saskatoon berries, and our customers, family and friends all love them!
Saskatoon berries are a traditional berry that have been growing in Alberta for over 100 years. They are high fibre, very nutritional berry which freezes easily and is used in health shakes, breads, baking, on pancakes, in fruit salads, made into pies, jam, syrup and can be used in our diet in many many ways all year around.
Henk & Jozien Angenent
Your Saskatoon Growers
Red Deer, Alberta
Your Saskatoon Growers
Red Deer, Alberta

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